《 From the Brave 》
27 Feb - 4 Mar
3城市 3場音樂會
🇯🇵 高崎 東京 河口湖 🇹🇼
Chansontpe Japan Concert Tour 2024
27 Feb - 4 Mar
3城市 3場音樂會
🇯🇵 高崎 東京 河口湖 🇹🇼
“ シャンソン室内管弦楽団は、台湾と日本のクラシック音楽と名曲をもたらし、日本の地元青少年オーケストラと共演して文化交流を促進し、日本のミュージシャンを招待して友情を深め、台湾と日本の友情の精神を実現します。

延續香頌管弦樂團自2020疫情以來,所推出的音樂會主題 #來自勇敢 音樂會將帶來多首當代臺灣作曲家作品,向國際觀眾推廣臺灣音樂之美,並呼應交流的國家 - 日本,精選數首曲目,分享彼此的文化,光彩相映。來自勇敢,向世界傳達勇敢精神,透過音樂的力量激勵、鼓舞人們!
The concert series was launched by the Taipei Chanson Chamber Orchestra since the 2020 pandemic, the concert "#FromtheBrave" will present a collection of contemporary Taiwanese compositions, showcasing the beauty of Taiwanese music to international audiences and echoing the cultural exchange between Japan and Taiwan. Selected pieces will be performed to reflect the cultural richness of each country, and we will be shining together! #FromtheBrave concert aims to convey the spirit of courage to the world and inspire people through the power of music.
2024 年 2 月 28 日 (Wed.水) 18:00 開演
高崎芸術劇場 音楽ホール
Takasaki City Theatre Concert Hall 高崎藝術劇場音樂廳
9-1 Sakaecho, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0841
公演情報詳細 〉https://www.takasaki-foundation.or.jp/theatre/concert_detail.php?key=1313
全席自由・一般2500 当日3000 学生1500
2024 年 3 月 1 日 (Fri.金) 19:00 開演
サントリーホール ブルーローズ(小ホール)
Tokyo Suntory Hall, Blue Rose 東京三得利音樂廳 藍玫瑰
1 Chome-13-1 Akasaka, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0052
公演情報詳細 〉https://www.suntory.co.jp/suntoryhall/schedule/detail/20240301_S_3.html
全席自由・一般4000 学生1500
2024 年 3 月 3 日 (Sun.曜) 10:30 開演
Kawaguchiko Music Forest Museum 河口湖音樂盒之森美術館
3077-20 Kawaguchi, Fujikawaguchiko, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi 401-0304
出演 〉
台北香頌室內管絃楽団 (Chansontpe)
台北シャンソンユースオーケストラ.合唱団 (Taipei Chanson Youth Orchestra and Choir)
高崎共演・南紳一 音楽監督 NPO法人 日本少年少女オーケストラ
東京共演・Tokyo Soloists
主催・台湾香頌室內管絃楽団 Chansontpe 株式会社空間あい
共催・NPO少年少女オーケストラ協会、台北外重奏 Taipei WisEnsemble
後援・(一財) 台湾協会、群馬県台湾総会、高崎国際音楽協会、群馬県、前橋市、高崎市
上毛新聞社、群馬テレビ、FM GUNMA
(東京)Ensemble Erde
本計畫 贊助單位 國家文化藝術基金會 National Culture and Arts Foundation
指導單位 中華民國僑務委員會 Overseas Community Affairs Council R.O.C. (Taiwan)
プログラム | Repertoire
ヨーゼフ・ミスリヴェチェク: 序曲第2番 イ長調 F27
Josef Mysliveček: Overture No.2 in A Major F27
エドワード・エルガー: ソスピリ Op.70
Edward Elgar: Sospiri, Op.70
アーサー・フット - 弦楽オーケストラのための組曲 ホ長調 Op.63
Arthur Foote - Suite in E Major for string orchestra Op.63
エドヴァルド・フリフレット・ブレイン: 海に向かって外へ
Edvard Fliflet Bræin: Ut mot havet (Toward the Sea)
ジョン・バリー: ある日どこかで
John Barry: Somewhere in time
ジ ョン・ラター: 弦楽のための組曲 mov.1 (高崎公演交流)
John Rutter: Suite for Strings I. A-Roving
菊池俊輔: ドラえもん(編曲:池田大介)(高崎公演交流)
Kikuchi Shunsuke: Theme of Doraemon Arr.Daisuke Ikeda
岡野貞一: 春が来た 中村八大: 上を向いて歩こ
Hachidai Nakamura: Spring has come / Walk with your head up
江蕙: 甲你攬牢牢 あなたをしっかり抱きしめて
Jody Chiang: Kah li lam tiau tiau (Hold you tight)
Don Besig - Take These Wings lyrics/Steve Kupferschmid
客家のバラード: 桃花開 ピーチブルーム
Hakka Folk Song: Tao Hua Kai (Peach Bloom)
KUO Tzu-Chiu - Dance Song of Hualien
鄧雨賢: 望春風
Teng, Yu-Hsien: Bang Chun Hong (Spring Breeze)
台北シャンソン室内オーケストラ(シャンソンペ) は、台湾内外のプロの音楽家で構成されおり、シンプルかつエレガントな演奏を通じてクラシック音楽の美しさと奥深さを表現している。心に音楽の種をと各地で積極的に音楽活動を行っている。
2005年に設立され、芸術監督のChris Sheng-Chih Huang が Chih-I Chiangをトレーナー 兼 コンサートマスター招き、2008年、シンイー・ユーがオーケストラの次期指揮者として就任。楽員の努力により、シャンソンベは台湾の音楽業界で急速に認知度を高めた。
The Taipei Chanson Chamber Orchestra (Chansontpe) is composed of professional musicians in Taiwan and abroad. Our goal is to display the beauty and depth of classical music through simple and elegant presentations. The orchestra actively promotes music to everywhere, hoping to plant the seeds of music in the hearts of everyone.
Founded in 2005, Artistic Director Chris Sheng-Chih Huang invited musician Chih-I Chiang to be the trainer and concertmaster. In 2008, Hsin-Yi Yu was invited as next conductor of orchestra. With efforts of members', the Chansontpe quickly gained recognition in the music industry in Taiwan.
To promote and inherit the promotion of art education, Chansontpe established an Art-Education Promote Team, delivered music education at 70 elementary schools. Despite the long and arduous journey, we sponsored charity performances to achieve original ideal of promoting art education. Over the years, we have held more than 250 free concerts at schools and many popular venues throughout Taiwan. In addition to trying various types of performance, we also invited well-known musicians and composers to collaborate, hoping to continuously accumulate and improve the orchestra's strength and experience. Taipei Chanson Chamber Orchestra's strong musical prowess and diverse styles bring music closer to people. We have led academy groups, to perform in the United States, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium. In 2018, they performed in the music hall of the "Sydney Opera House", receiving enthusiastic responses from the audience of various countries. Chansontpe have been invited multiple times to participate in major events such as film festivals and art festivals, and have also performed in several well-known video game concert. and have also been invited to perform/organise at the National Day, National Banquet, and national-level ceremonies.
Chanson's outstanding and dedicated performances have been recognized by various fields, having been selected as the New Taipei City "Guidance Performing Arts Team," "Outstanding Performing Arts Team," and "Art Education Performing Arts Team" for a total of 12 years.
Professional musicians with our enthusiasm, we are the "Chansontpe"
台北シャンソンユースオーケストラ.合唱団|Taipei Chanson Youth Orchestra and Choir
Chansontpeは、古典音楽芸術教育の推進に力を注いでおり、2010年には附属団体である台北シャンソンユースオーケストラ(Chansontpe Youth Orchestra, CYO)が設立されました。音楽は一生の趣味であるというモットーのもと、5年以上の音楽基礎を持ち、各地から優秀な演奏者を募集し、最優秀の音楽家たちの指導のもと、専門的な分部、合奏、室内楽のトレーニングを行っています。目標は、音楽とともに成長し、一生の良きパートナーとなることです。
The Chansontpe has been committed to delivering classical music and art education. In 2010, we established an affiliated music group of Academy - Taipei Chanson Youth Orchestra (Chansontpe Youth/CYO), under the idea of "Music is a lifelong habit", recruit outstanding young performers from all over the nation who have more than 5 years of music experience. They are trained by those best and enthusiastic professional musicians, in vary ensembles, and large scale symphony. The goal is to grow up with music and make it become a good partner for life.
In addition to regularly experimenting with diverse repertoires based on various topics. We've been invited to perform at the World Vision Charity Carnival at City Hall Plaza, World Human Rights Day, New Taipei City Film Festival, New Taipei Christmas celebration, etc. CYO has participated in overseas music exchanges for times. In 2012, worked with the Hong Kong Conservatory of Music Orchestra at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Went to California of United States for music exchanges in 2013, participated in master classes and chamber music concert at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music(SFCM), and participate in a three-day farm music camp out to experience the fusion of traditional American fiddle and classical music. In 2016, participated in the youth music exchange in Urasoe, Okinawa, Japan. And participated in the cultural experience of shamisen at the Naha Cultural Center. In 2017, CYO was invited to perform at Baptist University recital hall and opening concert in front of Hong Kong Disneyland Castle. In 2018, CYO went to Sydney and Melbourne, and performed four consecutive concerts at the Australian International Music Festival, and performed at the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall, a world cultural heritage. In 2019, CYO was invited to perform in Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium. Concerts at the English Reformed Church in the central Amsterdam, and to raise funds for the construction of a hospital in Malawi, Africa; an outdoor music feast at famous Le Place d'Armes of Luxembourg city; and one at the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula in Belgium, receiving standing ovations from audiences from all over the world. CYO was invited to perform in The 2022 National Day Receptionat at the Taipei Guest House, and was applauded by ambassadors from various countries.
CYO will be continuing to focus on training and participating in performances, members will also inherit the purpose of music delivery of our main group (Chanson Chamber Orchestra), and spread music with the enthusiasm and vitality of young people.