「 2023年甫獲得第17屆柴可夫斯基國際音樂大賽銀牌殊榮的傑出英國鋼琴演奏家 - 喬治.哈里奧諾(George Harliono),將首次訪台舉辦獨奏會。身為國際頂級音樂大賽得主與獨奏家,國際邀演行程密集,哈里奧諾特別安排臺灣行,作為亞洲巡迴的重要一站!他用鋼琴訴說著最迷人的故事,出色的才能及深刻的藝術造詣,魅力即將席捲全臺! 這位享譽國際的音樂新星,哈里奧諾的音樂才華在年少時便展露無疑,16歲時即受到國際指揮大師葛濟夫邀請,與馬林斯基劇院交響樂團演出鋼琴協奏曲,並經常受邀於世界各地音樂廳、樂團合作演出。本次,充滿期待地為樂迷們精心準備貝多芬、巴拉基列夫、拉摩、史特拉汶斯基..等廣泛且精彩絕倫的音樂作品,獨具魅力的演奏和編曲才華,在眾多樂迷和評論贏得了高度讚譽。邀請您一同期待及享受這個非凡的音樂之夜!」
演  出  曲  目  __________

Ludwig van Beethoven - Sonata No. 17 in d minor, Op. 31, No. 2 "The Tempest"

Mikhail Glinka/Mily Balakirev - L’alouette (The Lark)

Mily Balakirev - Islamey: Oriental Fantasy

Jean-Philippe Rameau - Les Tendres Plaintes、 Les tourbillions、Les Cyclopes、Les Sauvages

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Dumka in c minor, Op. 59

Igor Stravinsky: Trois Mouvements de Petrouchka

George  Harliono

2023年甫獲得第十七屆柴可夫斯基國際音樂比賽銀獎,英國籍印尼裔鋼琴家喬治・哈里奧諾在九歲時被邀請進行他的首次獨奏會,此後在英國、美國、歐洲和亞洲各地演出,包括威格摩爾廳(Wigmore Hall)、柏林愛樂室內樂廳(The Berlin Philharmonie Kammermusiksaal)、皇家阿爾伯特音樂廳(Royal Albert Hall)和芝加哥交響樂中心(Chicago Symphony Centre)等場地。

2013年,哈里奧諾受邀在倫敦南岸中心錄製貝多芬的鋼琴奏鳴曲作品2號1號。2016年,在莫斯科音樂學院大廳演奏的柴可夫斯基鋼琴協奏曲第1號,由俄羅斯國家電視台直播,同時也在Medici TV上進行了現場直播。自12歲的協奏曲首次演出以來,他一直是許多樂團的客座演奏家,包括莫斯科國家交響樂團、馬林斯基劇院管弦樂團、塔塔爾斯坦國家交響樂團、芝加哥新千禧交響樂團、法蘭克福歌劇院和博物館管弦樂團、秋明愛樂樂團、仙台愛樂樂團等。喬治還經常與著名藝術家如丹尼斯·馬特蘇夫合作,並與許多著名指揮家合作,包括瓦列·蓋爾基耶夫、亞歷山大·斯拉德科夫斯基、亞歷山大·魯丁、耶夫根尼·舍斯塔科夫、艾納斯·魯賓基斯、安東·盧布琴科、高關 健和賽巴斯汀·懷格勒等。

數度在世界各地比賽中獲獎,包括莫斯科大鋼琴比賽、仙台國際音樂比賽、倫敦皇家海外聯盟音樂比賽、猶他州Gina Bachauer鋼琴比賽、巴黎Lagny-sur-Marne國際比賽和布加勒斯特Dinu Lipatti鋼琴比賽。最近,哈里奧諾在莫斯科扎里亞季耶廳演奏了貝多芬的鋼琴協奏曲第5號,並在法蘭克福奧特歐現代劇院(法蘭克福舊歌劇院)演奏了李斯特的鋼琴協奏曲第1號。應邀參加了杜什尼基茲德羅伊國際蕭邦鋼琴音樂節的獨奏音樂會,此為波蘭最古老與最重要的古典音樂節之一。師從帕斯卡·內米羅夫斯基教授(英國伯明翰皇家音樂學院國際鋼琴教授),哈里奧諾參加了巴許基洛夫、阿胥肯納吉和奧夫欽尼科夫等大師的大師班。並且與指揮家亞歷山大・斯拉德科夫斯基密切合作,並對於他作為藝術家的發展非常感興趣。

“喬治・哈里奧諾非常有才華,他的職業生涯前途一片光明” 鋼琴家馬祖耶夫(Denis Matsuev)

哈里奧諾剛剛完成了皇家音樂學院的BMUS學位。他15歲時通過甄選並獲得了全額獎學金,是錄取到這門課程最年輕的學生之一。2018年,他入圍了倫敦古典BRIT獎“古典之聲”獎項,該獎項旨在推廣古典音樂中最優秀的新興藝術家和值得關注的藝術家。2022年,哈里奧諾在莫斯科札里亞捷廳與亞歷山大・魯丁(Alexander Rudin)指揮的Musica Viva樂團演奏貝多芬的鋼琴協奏曲第5號而獲得了“440 Hz”獎的“最佳客座藝術家”獎。

British Indonesian pianist George Harliono was invited to make his first one hour long, solo recital at the age of nine and since then has performed in numerous locations both in the UK, USA, Europe and Asia, appearing at venues such as Wigmore Hall, The Berlin Philharmonie Kammermusiksaal, The Royal Albert Hall and Chicago Symphony Centre. In 2023, he was awarded the Silver Medal at the XVII International Tchaikovsky Competition.

In 2013 he was invited to record Beethoven’s Piano Sonata Op.2 No.1 at the Southbank Centre in London. In 2016 his performance of Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No.1 at the Great Hall of The Moscow Conservatory was broadcast live on Russian national TV and streamed live on Medici TV.

Since his concerto debut at the age of 12 he has been a regular performer with orchestras including the Moscow State Symphony Orchestra, The Mariinsky Orchestra, Tatarstan National Symphony Orchestra, New Millennium Orchestra of Chicago, Frankfurter Opern- und Museumsorchester, Tyumen Philharmonic Orchestra, Sendai Philarmonic Orchestra. George also regularly performs alongside eminent artists such as Denis Matsuev and has worked with many renowned conductors including Valery Gergiev, Alexander Sladkovsky, Alexander Rudin, Evgeny Shestakov, Ainars Rubikis, Anton Lubchenko, Ken Takaseki and Sebastian Weigle.

George has been awarded prizes in numerous competitions throughout the world including The Grand Piano Competition in Moscow, Sendai International Music Competition, Royal Overseas League Music Competition in London, Gina Bachauer Piano Competition in Utah, Concourse International de Lagny-sur-Marne in Paris and Dinu Lipatti Piano Competition in Bucharest. Most recently he performed Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 5 at Zaryadye Concert Hall in Moscow and Liszt Piano Concerto No. 1 at the Frankfurt Alte Oper. He was also invited to perform a recital as part of the Duszniki-Zdrój International Chopin Piano Festival, one of the oldest and most important classical music festivals in Poland.

He studies with Professor Pascal Nemirovski (International Chair in Piano, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire) and has taken masterclasses with Dmitri Bashkirov, Vladimir Ashkenazy, and Vladimir Ovchinnikov among others. George also works closely with conductor Alexander Sladkovsky who has taken a personal interest in his development as an artist.

“George Harliono is very talented, he’s got a phenomenal career ahead of him.” Says the acclaimed Russian pianist Denis Matsuev.

George has just completed a BMUS Degree at the Royal College of Music. He auditioned at 15 years old and was accepted with a full scholarship. He was one of the youngest students to be accepted onto this course.

In 2018 he was shortlisted for an award in the ‘Sound of Classical Poll’ at the Classic BRIT Awards in London, which promotes the best emerging artists and ones-to-watch in classical music. In 2022 George was awarded ‘Best Guest Artist’ at the ‘440 Hz’ awards (of which Yury Termirkanov is President) for his performance of Beethoven Piano Concerto no. 5 at Zaryadye Hall in Moscow with the Musica Viva Orchestra conducted by Alexander Rudin.

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